segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

World Wildlife Fund

    World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was created on 29 April 1961,when a small group of passionate and commited individuals signed a declaration that come to be know as the Morges Manifesto.

     WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment, and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

How do they do this?
     They make innovative parterships that combine conservation, level policy and advocacy.On the other hand they try to make business and industry more sustainable. They are focusing on concerving critical places and critical species that are particularlt important for their ecosystem or for people.
     They are also working to reduce humanty's ecological footprint, in other words the amount of land and natural resources needed to suply our food, water, fiber and timber, and to absorb our carbon dioxide emissions.
     They don't want to keep people away from nature or to prevent countries, communities and industries from developing.They want to find practical solutions to make our planet "heathy". They want a planet where people can live in harmony with the environment , in a planet with sustainable resources so that many future generations can enjoy our great planet.
     To achive this, they are working with their partners to:
  • Save biodiversity, and 
  • Reduce humanity's impact on natural habitats. 

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